Grade 5 - Math & Science - Ms. Ali
All work and no play.
5A - Schedule
8:00 - ELA
9:00 - SS
10:00 Qur'an
11:00 - Math
1:00 - Science
2:00 - Arabic
5B - Schedule
8:00 - Science
9:00 - Math
10:00 Arabic
11:00 - ELA
1:00 - Social Studies
2:00 - Qur'an
How to be Successful...
Be prepared. Pay attention. Take good notes. Study handouts as homework.
Stay organized. Keep handouts in folders. Practice all subjects on IXL everyday.
Continually review old material and new.
Health & Nutrition
Take advantage of daily recess and PE.
Eat healthy snacks.
Fiesta Friday!
Reward for hard work and good behavior!
School Supplies
Two one-inch three-ring binders (one for math & science)
Pack of Dividers
Four Folders with pockets and three holes for binder
ruler * box of #2 pencils * black dry erase markers
compass * 5 standard blue pens * board eraser
protractor * white erasers * Color markers or pencils
3-pack of face tissue
one pack of Clorox wipes